There are many ways that God can use your gifts and talents to convey messages to his people.
As you minister with flags, you are declaring to the body of Christ and the world that the Lord Is Our Banner.
Our flags identify us
- As His children
- His messengers
- His servants
- His Salt
- His Light and His beacons on earth
As such, we lead, guide and point to our Father in heaven and His son by
- expressing His word,
- rejoicing at God’s promises,
- reminding the body of Christ of the imminent return of Christ,
- calling sinners to repentance
and exalting God for being who He is – the magnanimous creator that is worthy of all honor, glory and praise.
Flags exalt Jesus and His name before men
They declare our redemption through Jesus and His Blood.
As we raise our Flag/Banner toward the heavenly realms, the devil’s airspace is invaded
with shouts of faith calling forth victory in the mighty matchless name of Jesus.