Purposeful Powerful Praise

with Minister Patricia Dyer

Worshiping in Spirit and Truth


That is a quote by A.W. Tozer.

What is worship?

Worship is to esteem God above everything else, loving Him with all our hearts, souls, and minds. Your entire being should be drawn to worship.

If you were to ask those around you what their opinion of worship is, you would be surprised at how many states that it is the act of singing.

Worship goes beyond routine or ritual; it’s an intimate expression of our love and adoration for God. In the hustle and bustle of life, it is easy to equate worship to actions or events like participating in church activities or attending Sunday service.

Worship through the worst — Your Daily Cup Of Inspiration
image courtesy: Daily Cup Inspiration

However, true worship goes beyond these external practices.

“But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.”

 John 4:23

Worship engages the heart and reveals the depth of our relationship with God. He calls us to worship Him in Spirit and Truth, connecting with God on a deeper, more intimate level.

The main ingredient as we raise our flags in worship is a broken and contrite heart. This means we do not hide anything from God, but allow Him to search our hearts; we lay ourselves bare, becoming vulnerable in His presence.

“My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise.”

Psalms 51:17

Worship is essential in our Christian walk, cementing our relationship with God.

We know that God does not listen to sinners. He listens to the godly person who does his will.

John 9:31

Our lifestyle of worship may draw the non-believers to come to the saving knowledge of Christ. There is so much power in true worship.

“It is a Biblical mandate that we worship God and Him alone. It is an act that is designed not only to bring honor to Him who deserves honor, but also to bring a spirit of obedience and submission to the worshippers.”

Cindy Colier, Bible Study Tools.

This month, focus on worshiping God wholeheartedly, seeking His presence in every moment, asking the Holy Spirit to help you worship in spirit and truth, and allowing our hearts to be fully engaged in expressing our love and reverence for Him. Whether through giving, service, outreach, song, or any other form, let our worship be a true reflection of our devotion to God.

By embracing the heart of worship, we can experience a richer, more meaningful relationship with God. Let’s commit to worshiping Him with all our hearts, seeking His presence in every aspect of our lives.

One of the ways to cultivate intentional worship in Spirit and Truth is through training. The Genesis Flag Training Program is designed to help your flag worship ministry go a notch higher, helping you move from performance to worship from the heart expressed through movement. Join the waitlist today!

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